
Caroline Sheaves
In Memory of
Sheaves (Alley)
1932 - 2018
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Carruthers & Davidson Funeral Home - Stayner Chapel
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
Jane McGrath
"Wayne, I’m so sorry to hear about your mother. I’m thinking of you and your"
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
Susan Gallinger
"Always in our hearts. Love, Cyril & Susan "
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My trip with mom

My fondest memories of mom was the trip we took to Newfoundland together. I had never been before so I was excited to see Aunt Nita, uncle George and aunt Florence. However What made the trip even more exciting for me was the look on moms face as we drove through Port Aux Basques. she pointed out where she had worked as a teens and where dad had lived,but most of all is when her face lit up when we got to the church they were married in. to her it was like only yesterday. she looked so happy When we got to Saint Davis her excitement grew again as she pointed out to me all the places she used to go as a child to play with her friends and how she walked miles to go see her grandmother. it is as if she never left Newfoundland, she knew every turn and place to go. These are the memories that Ive always hold close to my heart
Tuesday January 23, 2018 at 4:08 pm
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